
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Working from Home

Working from has to be the best thing since sliced bread. I love that I can stay in my cozy clothes all day and that showering is optional. Although, I do usually shower just to wake up in the morning, but the whole preparing to go in the office activities are not needed. It's amamzing how much time I save when I don't have to put make-up on and look presentable. I also don't have to make a lunch and pack snacks for the day etc. It's a wonderful thing!

Another big bonus for me is that I get to make real food for breakfast and lunch instead of my on-the-go yogurt smoothie, or canned soup. This morning as I was working away at home I had a HUGE craving for good ole oatmeal, Quaker from scratch to be exact. Now let me say that my old way of eating a bowl of oatmeal would have inlcuded butter, milk and lots of white sugar to satisfy my sweet tooth. Today, I tried to re-think how I could make a delish bowl without the crap in it? So, I cooked the oatmeal, then added a bit of skim milk, cinnamon, honey, and a sliced banana, and you know what - it's awesome, and sooooo good, and healthy! I think another yummy addition would be to add some pure maple syrup, or dried cranberries.

So far this year, I'm doing well staying on my eating better kick, which in turn makes me a feel a little better every day.I will try and keep up with my recipe sharing, and will only share the successful ones!

And for my 2 favorite readers so far (you know who you are) thanks for the support, love you both!

Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. I want to work from home! Lol---you and Dan should trade oatmeal secrets! xoxoxo
