
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Doodle Bug & Bubba Bear

My baby graduated from Kindergarten yesterday, and today is her last day at school. I can hardly believe it! It seems like just yesterday I was carrying her around on my hip, and watching her toddle around as she learned to walk. The funny thing about her is that she has always wanted to be held and carried, even now as a 5 year old. She never goes too far and always comes back for that affection. I hope as she turns six this August, that she never stops this. She is such an amazing little girl, and the things she has been through in the past year have not rocked her, or changed her from being the loveable, kind, affectionate, caring little girl that she is.

I hope she will always stay strong through life's challenges and embraces change even when it is not desirable.

A recent qoute from the doodle bug "Mom, I am not an ordinary girl, I can figure things out, and I like to go places" My response is, no way are you ordinary! You are extraordinary!

Love her to pieces.

Bubba bear is finishing up second grade today, and that fact alone will make me start crying. Third grade for him next year - Yikes! Seriously, where did the time go? He is my quiet one. I have noticed a change in him this year, he is starting to mature. He does not need me as much, he is very independent and can do most things for himself now. He lives to be with his friends and for playing outside.

I went in to have lunch with him recently in school and he literally ignored me the whole time and was goofing with his friends. AT first this made me sad and a little mad because he insisted that I come sit with him at lunch. Afterwards, I started thinking, that its ok that he ignored me, because he knew I was there. When he thinks back to his days in grade school, he will rememeber that his Mom made the time to come have lunch with him. I guess in the end that is all that matters. I am going to have to get used to this, because this is only the beginning!

They both make me want to be a better Mom everyday, and I will do my best to do just that.

"Home is where your kids are" -Kpop

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