
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Life has taken over...

SO true....there has been so much going on in the last month that I don't even know where to begin? The month of August was great! I got to spend lots of time with the kids and my family. We spent many days and nights swimming and really enjoying the Summer weather, before school started. I get so much joy out of watching the kids play and swim in the pool, I literally could just sit and watch them all day long. The end of August brought some changes...I decided that it was the right time to move out of the house and in with my parents. This was a hard decision, but I have always put the kids first, and realized that the transition would be easier before school started. So, we packed up everything that we wanted to have there, and moved it! What a crazy weekend that was!

It's been about 3 weeks since the move and I have to say that we all could not be happier right now. The company, the extra help with the daily routine, and food have been a blessing to me. And when I say food, I mean holy hell, the food my Mom makes on a dialy basis is insane. I will prob gain like 20 pounds living there, but I'm trying to keep that in mind.

Another perk of living with them, is that I finally get one night off during the week! On wednesday's I have started a yoga class in the evening and so far its great. I never had the opputunity to do this before, when I was on my own. I still needed to be there to care for them after school unitl my Ex came after work to ppick them up, and then had to be there when he brought them home for the night. Now I really feel like I am getting my one night off!

I have also been doing a lot of recolecting lately. I think about where I was this time last year, and I remember the pain, anger, and sadness I felt on a daily basis. It's almost like I was in some sort of depression, and looking back, I'm sure that's what it was. Today, I can't believe how I've changed, how much better I feel, how much happier I am, with my self, and where I'm at. I still have some tough times ahead, with the finalizing of the divorce, and selling the house for good, but when I think of how far I've come, I cannot help but be proud of myself.

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