
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Turkey burgers?

Last night I tried a new turkey burger recipe. All in all it was pretty good. The kids ate most of it, but I have to say that nothing tops a ground sirloin burger. I did go all out on keeping the dinner healthy with all natural ground turkey on a whole wheat bun with a slice of sharp cheddar, and then steamed broccoli on the side.

The kids actually liked the broccoli more than the burger, which was surprising. Below is the recipe I used to make the turkey burgers:

1 pound ground turkey
1 egg
1 tbsp bread crumbs
1 tsp minced garlic
1 splash of worchteshire
1/2 tsp dried parsley
1 sprinkle each of seasoning salt, salt, pepper, and chili powder

Mix and form into patties. I fried them in my grill pan with a little canola oil.

Now for the toppings, since let's face it can make or break a burger, I added a little mayo, lettuce, ketchup, and pickled jalepenos-YUMM.

If I was not making these kid friendly, I would have diced up the jalepenos and added then right into the burger mix!

I do think I will try these again, and next time experiment with different spices and may be some fresh herbs, like Cilantro, and fresh parsley.

In other news, I have been feeling a little better this week. I am really trying to stay focused on the positive things, and remember that things are out of my control now, so I need to just go with it. Its easier said than done, but I am really trying to live by this!

-Peace out!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh its here again...

The dreaded Valentine's day...ugh. I actually thought that this year on Valentine's day I would be all sad and woe is me, but you know what? I'm totally not! All I had to do was think of last year on this day, and how unhappy I was (although I did not know it at the time) that day, and how I felt like my life was in some sort of limbo?

Today, I feel like things are starting to move, super slow of course, but moving in a direction I am starting to be ok with? I read this quote today and it made me laugh:

"This blasted holiday only lasts for one day and tomorrow it will all be behind you like the extra pounds you might have added to your ass if you did have a man in your life to give you that big box of chocolates."


The thing is, I am quite loved without a man in my life! I received the CUTEST homeade Valentines from the kids! Aubree even snuck a little I love you note in my lunch bag today...I am the luckiest Mom out there today!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Taking Care of Myself?

With everything going on lately, the most common advice I get from family and friends is "remember to also take care of yourself". What does that mean exactly? With my days so routine and my life so busy now doing everything on my own, how do I do this? I mean, I get what everyone is saying, but how do I actually accomplish this when I've never put myself first in the past? It's weird for me to think this way and think about what I want and need. May be as the pain of my current situation lessens, I will be better at it? I don't know?

I hope I can get better at doing this for me and the kids. The better state I am in, then the better they are too.

I think I need to start meditiating, or some other activity that will help me clear my mind of negativity, or at least learn to redirect it into something better. I guess this will be my first step towards "taking care of myself". I am going to start researching meditation and Reiki, may be it will help!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Comic Relief

These days the only thing that gets me through the day are my kids. I live for them, and some days I relay on them to get me out of my own head. Here is a sample of what I get to enjoy on a daily basis...haha

Friday, February 4, 2011


How do I get there? How do I get past all this hurt and pain I feel on a daily basis and feel some sort of peace? I wish it was easier, I wish I could wake up tomorrow and it will all be gone. The negative thoughts, the constant thinking and rethinking about the same things, the bad things that have happened. How do I make peace with what he has done to this family, and especially to me? There are days when I literally feel like I could lose it. I want to punch something, or just scream for an hour.

Ugh....I could really use a break from all this crap. I feel like its hard to move forward when I'm constantly consumed with hurt, sadness and pain. There are days when I can actually feel the pain, it is there dull and aching, and always reminding me what he has done to me. I hope this will has to...otherwise I'm not sure I'll make it.

It's just one of "those" days. I feel like lately, I have been having a lot of those days. On days that are better, its like I have this super power to lock those feelings away, and not let them take over. I hope that with time I will be able to lock them away forever.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Birthday Weekend

For my birthday this year, I decided that I needed to get away for a few days, and where to? To see my awesome, super, perfect friend Tara and her family. T and I met back in college and have remained friends ever since. My sister also came down to meet us and hang for a couple of days. We had such a great time, and I was really able to relax and enjoy my birthday this year. That is pretty rare, since I usually do not do much for my birthday.

Last week was a rough one, so getting away for a few days, and being able to talk about things with T and my sister was so helpful. I realized a few things, like I'm stronger than I think and that I am deserving of much more in this life! I pledged to myself that I will try as hard as I can to see my life in a new way, a different, but healthier way.

While I was in NYC, I had my Tarot cards read for the first time ever. I figured now was the perfect time, when my life is turned upside down. There is not a better time for something like this right? Well, I have to say it was AMAZING! T told me not to tell her anything before or during the reading, so I kept my mouth shut. She was pretty dead on with my past and present. I actually teared up a bit because hearing things like that from a stranger was kind of surreal. My future reading was promising and sounded fulfilled and peaceful, just the way I hope it to be. So, I am keeping those things in mind, but also staying a little skeptical as I move forward, because you just never know how true those readings are.

With all of this is mind, I am going to keep moving forward towards a more positive, peaceful, happy future =)

-Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....