
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


There are some days when all I want to say is wahhhhh, over and over again. Today is one of those days. Sometimes I wake up and I immediately know its going to be one of "those" days. The kind of days when my mind is consumed with negative thoughts and feelings of sadness, and no matter what I do I can't find my way out.

I have to say that I am usually pretty good at keeping my focus on the good things in my life, so when I start to feel like I'm slipping into a negative state, I can quickly change it. But, sometimes I just don't have the energy for it. Being a single Mom takes its toll after a while. The day to day tasks and doing it all alone. I am not only physically tired, but there is the emotional part of it too. So on "those" days, I have no choice but to give in and go there into the trenches of my mind and hope that it won't last long. My hope is that with time the consuming feelings of sadness go away or at least dwindle. I know I'm not the only person who deals with this sort of thing, and you know who you are.

So, today I'm hoping it won't last long, and that tomorrow when I wake up, I feel better and more like my old self, the one that is strong, happy and more optimistic about life.

Peace =)

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