
Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Trees Can STOP!

Yes the trees can stop pollunating now! UGH! My allergies are so bad right now. My head feel like its ready to explode! Literally!

This last fall I finally went to the allergist. After suffering for years from random allergies, I needed to know what specifically was setting me off. After the skin tests, it was confirmed that I had many allergies. Pretty much EVERYTHING outside! Trees and grasses are the worst, but hayfever is right there too. I am also allergic to cats, some molds, and a pretty severe dust mite allergy.

The best part of knowing what sets me off into an allergic frenzy, is that now I can take the necessary precautions to avoid those things as much as possible. This can be hard, especially in the early spring and fall, when the trees and grasses are at their peak. It makes me sad that I have to keep the windows closed now, and run the AC earlier in the seaason. This is a huge help as the air gets filtered within the hosue and you can keep the pollens out!

The other big one is the dust mites, which are the worst in bedrooms. I went out and got the expensive covers for the mattress and pillows. I also have to wash all my bedding once a week in Hot water. This kills everything! Since doing this I have not had to use my inhaler at all - yey!

This is something that I have learned to live with. I take zyrtec every day all year round, and use a nasal spray once a day. The cool thing is that I have not had to use my inhaler since I've made these changes, so that's awesome. Allergies can be extemely annoying, but I am trying to live with them. The trees are so bad right now that I am taking zyrtec along with 3 advil, just to get through the day, so please trees, stop it already =)


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